Quick Note is the quickest and easiest way to hand write note.
Quick Note has 100 pages for your notes.
Quick Note lets you use four different pen colors (black, red, blue, green) .
Quick Note auto save your note.
Here is what you can do with Quick Note:
You can undo your writings
You can completely clear a note
You can jump to an empty page (if there is one)
You can browse through your 100 pages of note.
Quick Note supports French, Spanish & German besides English.
Catatan Cepat adalah cara tercepat dan termudah untuk tangan menulis catatan.
Catatan Cepat memiliki 100 halaman untuk catatan Anda.
Catatan Cepat memungkinkan Anda menggunakan empat warna pena yang berbeda (hitam, merah, biru, hijau).
Cepat Catatan auto menyimpan catatan Anda.
Berikut adalah apa yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan Cepat Catatan:
Anda dapat membatalkan tulisan Anda
Anda benar-benar dapat menghapus catatan
Anda dapat melompat ke halaman kosong (jika ada)
Anda dapat menelusuri melalui Anda 100 halaman catatan.
Catatan Cepat mendukung Perancis, Spanyol & Jerman selain bahasa Inggris.
Quick Note is the quickest and easiest way to hand write note.
Quick Note has 100 pages for your notes.
Quick Note lets you use four different pen colors (black, red, blue, green) .
Quick Note auto save your note.
Here is what you can do with Quick Note:
You can undo your writings
You can completely clear a note
You can jump to an empty page (if there is one)
You can browse through your 100 pages of note.
Quick Note supports French, Spanish & German besides English.